Xu Kunlin, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Provincial Committee and Secretary of the CPC Suzhou Municipal Committee, inspected the organic waste treatment and utilization demonstration cen
On the morning of November 16, Xu Kunlin, member of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party committee and Secretary of the Suzhou municipal Party committee, visited the demonstration center for the treatment and utilization of organic waste around Taihu Lake (near the lake). Li Ji, President of the Institute of organic recycling of China Agricultural University (Suzhou), and Han Yueguo, chairman of the board, received the inspection.
After visiting the demonstration center and listening to Li Ji's introduction, Xu Kunlin affirmed the technology and research achievements of the Institute. Xu Kunlin said that the research institute has demonstrated strong technical strength. In the future, it should strive for excellence, further improve the details such as workshop sealing and odor treatment, and do a good job in the classification and treatment of urban and rural organic wastes. Xu Kunlin also asked governments at all levels and relevant functional departments to fully support and help the work of the Institute.
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